Chinawill become thelargestsolar energy andsolar water heater market Researchfirm IHSreport is expectedinthe 2ndreleasethis year, Chinawill overtakeEuropeas the world'slargest market forsolar industry.IHSsaid thatChinesesolarpanelinstalled capacitythis yearis expected toreach13GW,about 28% of the world, higher than2013's10GW;installed capacityin Europein 2014is expected to bereduced to9.7GW,since2011hita record ofcontinuous19GWthree years ofdecline;Japaninstalled capacitythis yearis expected toreach9GW,higher than last year's6.3GW.Overall globalinstalled capacityis expected to riseby over 20%to46GW.IHSnoted that althoughEuropean governmentstosupport thePV industrycontinued to decline,butconditionscontinue to improvein other areas, the globalmarket willcontinue to grow.In particular, Chinaactively developgreen energy,will boostglobal demand.In addition, IHSglobalPV installed capacityinthe long-termoutlookremainsbroadlyunchanged,the next five yearsareexpected to haveat least 10% annualgrowth rate,by the end of 2018the total installed capacityis expected tomore than400GW.According to the EuropeanPhotovoltaic Industry Association(EPIA)data,in 2012the globalsolar powerinstalled capacity of102GW.